Our shortlisting is a welcomed nod to Resolve’s investment in apprentices over the past ten years, with us introducing our first ever apprentice to the business in May 2010. Since then, we have welcomed ten apprentices through the doors. Currently, four members of staff were originally apprentices, with one apprentice still completing his training and another due to start later this month. Altogether, both past and present apprentices make up 21% of Resolve’s total workforce.
Needless to say, apprentices are a huge part of Resolve, and have made the company into what it is today. We were therefore overjoyed to be informed of our shortlisting for the Apprenticeship Award.
The shortlisting was announced by the Yorkshire Post on Saturday 3rd October 2020. The shortlist for the Apprenticeship Award has been whittled down to four, with the winner to be announced at a digitally streamed event on 4th November.
The Yorkshire Post supplement can be viewed online here.
Wish us luck :)